ISIS4D is a platform dedicated to X-ray microtomography bringing together 7 laboratories in the Hauts de France region. X-ray microtomography is a non-invasive imaging method, coming from the medical field, allowing to obtain a cross-sectional or 3D representation of the interior of an object.
The source emits X-rays which will propagate in the material with a certain attenuation due to absorption and diffusion. The attenuation measurement, by receiving the X-rays that have passed through the material and reached the detector, allows to obtain contrast and thus to reveal the presence of pores or to distinguish two different phases for example. Then, the X-rays passing through the object are converted into the visible range using a scintillator and then digitized by a sensor. The acquisition of a scan corresponds to the recording of a series of radiographs at regular angular intervals over 360°. The volume is obtained by digital reconstruction using, for example, a filtered back-projection algorithm.
Tomography can be applied to a large number of materials for non-destructive or dimensional testing via image processing. Some materials observed with the ISIS4D platform are shown and classified according to their X-ray attenuation:
The ISIS4D platform enables simple acquisitions for voxel sizes ranging from 0.4 to 120 µm. Its ambitions are to conduct three-dimensional material characterizations and in situ studies under complex loading.
The applications are therefore multiple:
- Three-dimensional characterization of the microstructure of materials
- Dimensional control of industrial parts
- Characterization of defects (porosity, cracks, foreign bodies…)
- Mesh generation from real geometry
- Realization of in situ tests under mechanical stress with image correlation monitoring
The experimental platform for turbulence (PlEx) includes several facilities and measurement techniques for the study of a wide variety of turbulent flows. The largest facility is unique in France and one of the few internationally, as it is an exceptionally long wind tunnel with full access to optical measurements. It is used for fundamental and applied studies, including flow control, of various types of turbulent boundary layer including no pressure gradient, pressure gradient and even separation, grid and wake turbulence, and complex flows consisting of various combinations of these. The platform also includes a mixer with multiple mixing devices and protocol possibilities, full optical access and a range of mixing efficiency measurements. Finally, there is also a turbulent plane jet facility. All facilities are specifically designed for advanced optical metrology such as planar and volumetric particle image velocimetry. The platform is equipped with the latest advances in optical metrology. The targeted sectors are in particular those of aeronautical and automotive transport, energy, but also all sectors where mixing is essential.
- Half-day visit
- Free of charge
- Lunch-box not included